The Six Items Challenge

I don’t usually do the whole giving things up for Lent thing.
I am not sure I see the point, other than to prove to yourself and others that you have enough willpower to withstand temptation for 40 days.
But this year, I am joining in with Labour Behind the Label’s Six Items Challenge, and going on a “Fashion Fast”.

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The rules are pretty simple.
For 40 days from the 5th March until the 17th April, you can only wear the same six items of clothing.
So at the start of the challenge, you carefully select six items, and these are all you wear for the duration of the challenge.
The Rules exempt underwear, socks, shoes, workout gear, work uniforms etc, so it’s maybe not as bad as it seems at first.
And as well as accessorising, there is lots of encouragement to ‘pimp’ your chosen wardrobe as the challenge progresses, so you can change the look of a garment when you start to get fed up with it.

The 40 day length for the campaign, as well as sticking with the whole 40 days of Lent, is also significant to the fashion industry, as Fast fashion sees brands change their stock every 4-6 weeks, to keep up with the latest trends. And in order to do so, the clothing becomes cheap and ‘disposable’.
Apparently most workers in countries like Bangladesh, making clothes for you and me, get paid less than £1.50 a day. We would think nothing of spending twice that, £3, on a coffee, or a magazine, or even a cheap t-shirt that someone, somewhere has made. For us.
Labour Behind the Label aren’t advocating boycotts of big brands, but trying to get fashion to Slow Down. To get consumption to Slow Down. To abolish Fast Fashion, so that clothes are no longer seen as disposable, and that we have to pay a ‘proper’ price for them, and that in turn, this means that the people making them, are paid a proper, living wage.

Anyone fancy joining me? You can sign up here 🙂
And if you don’t think it’s quite your thing, but you want to support the work of Labour Behind the Label , I would be incredibly grateful if you would consider sponsoring me-you can find the link to my page here-if everyone who reads this blog donated just £3-the price of a cup of coffee, then I could raise over £1000, which would be truly wonderful.

And any advice on the six items I should choose would be fabulous too!
I will post some pics when I’ve decided. I’m thinking layering and multifunctional things…

27 thoughts on “The Six Items Challenge

  1. Jen my only thought about which clothing items to choose is Look at your Diary to see what, if anything, important is written in for that period. If there is something that requires a ‘special’ or ‘certain’ outfit you need to take that into consideration when you make your choices. Having said that you have my support and will be signing up to sponsor you!

    • Very good point Hilary! I tend to forget that just occasionally, I do things other than take the kids to school, and clean up after them. Maybe I should include a dress, just in case..!
      And thank you so so much for the donation-you are awesome 🙂

  2. This looks really interesting! I’m pretty sure I’m wearing 6 items of clothing now – due to trying to shift the post pregnancy weight! The cause sounds absolutely great – I’ll look forward to following your progress and I’ll give you a sponsor! x

    • Not sure you can change the rules Angel! Even if it all just goes to make us all more aware of how lucky we all are, to have so many clothes, then I guess that’s a good thing!

  3. This is a fantastic idea, but it only works if – like you have – people stand up and explain the cause they’re working towards. Here’s hoping you 40 days are as fun as you make them sound here

  4. What a great challenge – wearing only a few clothes at a time is something I have been thinking of doing for a while now and I am so tempted to join you. I think I need to pace myself with challenges at the moment though, so will be very interested to see how you go and will be taking notes! I am going to link to this post from my slightly late I Quit Blog Fiesta – hope that is ok!

    • Of course! You don’t have to do it over Lent, I think you can do it anytime you like-maybe something for later on in the year..?!

  5. Hi Jen, I have just sponsored you : ) I would love to do this, but it’s 9.30pm in Perth and the 5th is tomorrow! I’m not sure I can do it with such a little amount of time to plan… So I may or may not join you, but will support your efforts either way.

      • You’re welcome. I think Labour Behind the Label are a great organisation, and you are great too, so it was the perfect challenge to support! I’ve decided not to take part but I’m looking forward to hearing how you get on!

  6. I guess six items is equivalent to one of those holiday capsule wardrobes (without the heat!).I would have to think about work clothes as well as casual and as Aril says the weather can really change in the UK this time of year. But it’s a great idea, esp the length of time relating to the turnaround for clothing on sale in High Street stores. Are you holding a Swish this week? Now that would be a challenge to pick things up but not be able to wear them, but can you accessorise?

    • Swish is Friday! I had already resolved not to get anything ‘new’ as I really do have more than enough clothes. Accessorising is most definitely allowed though!

  7. Pingback: Six Items IS a Challenge…. | My Make Do and Mend Year

    • Yes nightwear, and I think you are allowed one coat! I am going with scarves and gloves too-surely they are ‘accessories’…?!

  8. A brilliant idea. Would anyone notice if I did it – likely not! Not this year but maybe sometime. Meanwhile I’ll make a wee donation soon (started to do it but discovered they don’t use paypal).

  9. Pingback: Six Item Challenge Update | My Make Do and Mend Year

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