Me Made May

I had heard whisperings about Me Made May on Twitter,

and was just contemplating joining in, when I read this fab post over on Becksie’s (of a Year without Supermarkets fame) new blog Becksie and Lotty.
And it convinced me that I really should sign up!
(Apologies for being a little bit late with this-the start of May passed by in a blur of Resourceful Big Lunching!)

You can read all about it in lots of detail on the So, Zo What do you know…? blog, but the basic premise is to wear more of your own handmade items-you can pledge to wear one very day, or less often, depending on how many garments you have!
I wasn’t sure I would really be able to participate, as I didn’t think I had that many handmade items, but when I sat and thought about it, I realised I have a couple of skirts-1 made from scratch with a LOT of help, and 1 upcycled from a pair of jeans; a long sleeved top I hacked re-fashioned; another hacked and embellished jumper;

Me, modelling the jumper (and my ‘new’ boots-part of the Great Boot Hunt saga…)

my dress I took in; and my top turned nightwear. Not forgetting all the jeans I have patched. So if I include things I have mended as well as made, then maybe it is more do-able.

I am hoping that this will give me the kick up the bum I need to get on and tackle some unfinished projects, and also return the blog to it’s roots a bit:
I have a cardi that needs jazzing up-maybe with some new buttons, and a couple of lace pockets
My jeans need more darning work, and I have another pair that need some radical patching
I want to have a go at crocheting a collar to decorate a plain top
I have my faithful standby white top (one of my six items for the Six Item Challenge) that now has a hole on one of the arm sleeves, so I want to try a bit of visible mending

And maybe even try and make a few things from scratch 🙂

So, this is my pledge

‘I, Jen, of My Make Do and Mend Year sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’14.
I endeavour to wear at least one handmade, upcycled, re-fashioned, or mended item for 5 days a week for the duration of May 2014’

I think that sounds manageable-what do you reckon?
Anyone going to join me?!


8 thoughts on “Me Made May

  1. I’m not sure I have enough to do this but I’ve been on a mending spree and I’ve vowed not to buy any new clothes in 2014 so I’d love to give it a try! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  2. Pingback: Make Do and Mend Monthly Magazine Blog Post Thing-May | My Make Do and Mend Year

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