Live Below the Line-Day 3

Day 3 in the Live Below the Line Make Do and Mend House (You should be saying this in your head in a Geordie accent like the bloke from Big Brother..)


  • Porridge as per Day 1– made with 50:50 milk and water, raisins and sliced banana-44p
  • Milk for the Smalls-20p


  • Handful of raisins-15p
  • Bananas x 1-4p
  • Apple x 1-12p
  • Quarter tin of pineapple chunks-5p
  • 1 x Sunshine Bun with a scrape of jam and butter-6p
  • Milk for the Smalls-20p
  • Hobnobs x2-12p


  • Soup (27p) and 3 rolls with butter (15p)-42p
  • Hobnobs x2-12p


  • Carrot, cumin and kidney bean burgers-another fab recipe from A Girl Called Jack-I made a double batch as my mother in law came over for tea-this worked out at 66p, and I got 9 burgers from it, so 7p each! There was one left over for hubby to have in a roll for his lunch tomorrow, so cost for today was 59p
  • Served with a ‘dollop’ of yesterday’s tomato sauce on top-about 1/3 of what was left over-22p
  • Homemade oven baked potato and carrot chips-35p


And then inspired by some recipe cards I was sent today by Oxfam with suggestions for Live Below The Line meals,

cinnamonapple copy

I whipped up a crumble..!

  • Rhubarb and apple crumble-stewed rhubarb and a chopped up partially gnawed apple, topped with crumble (100g flour, 50g butter, 50g sugar and 50g porridge oats)-40p, and then a dollop of yoghurt on top of each bowlful-18p

Total: £3.54

All was going well today until SmallSmall, for reasons known only to 2 year olds, had a meltdown at teatime and didn’t eat very much. He had calmed down in time for pudding (funny that..) and had some of that, but then demanded a “tees rawl” (cheese roll) on the way up to the bath. I have two Small people who have never slept very well, so I am loathe to give them any additional excuses to wake up in the middle of the night, and therefore I like to send them to bed with full tummies. So I duly went to get a “tees rawl” but I have to admit that with each slice of cheese I was slicing off, I was mentally calculating whether that would leave us enough for the next two days meals…

I reckon a “tees rawl” must be about 20p, so the grand total for Day 3 is £3.74

16 thoughts on “Live Below the Line-Day 3

  1. you did the right thing, not getting your sleep is torture, I look at my now 20 year old daughter (who still doesnt sleep well) and I dont think i have ever fully forgiven her for the sleep deprivation, so cheese rawls all round I say

    • He also has a canny habit of waiting until he has had his stories and then demanding “Nana” (banana). Hubby usually ignores him, so he asks for me, as he knows I’ll cave in the hope that he will then sleep through fuelled by said banana! Sleep deprivation sucks…

  2. Had a dilemma today … lovely crop of rhubarb in my garden but no sugar ! Then I found a couple of parsnips in my fridge … grated into the rhubarb chunks & boiled together hey presto !!! Still quite tart but quite palatable & not a hint of parsnip :o) Longing for a good cuppa but hanging out till the weekend … as for glass of wine !

  3. Well done all of you, even smallsmall. He probably realises something different is going on but of course does understand so is looking for his ‘normal’. You are over half way now so it’s the run to the end time. Good wishes for tomorrow.:-)

  4. Nearly there!
    I think you’ve done really well. I have made an effort to be more frugal this week (“99p? That’s enough to feed someone for a day!”) and it’s struck me that it’s much easier to make food go further when you can buy in larger amounts. Only having £1pp/pd makes it hard to buy food to be economical with, if that makes sense.
    For instance, I can eke out a meat stew with veg and oats and barley or lentils and make it last more meals or feed more people, but if you can only afford to buy one of those ingredients in the first place…

    • I agree, it is almost impossible to do the normal things you would do to reduce food waste and eke out food wen you are so limited in what you can buy in the first place

  5. I’m impressed, it looks very tasty, I think I’ll be trying those burgers.
    You are reminding me of the challenges of young children, my boys are all grown up, sleep well and eat well now! (there is hope!)

  6. You a lot kinder than I am! If my kids don’t eat their food they don’t get anything else other than maybe a drink of milk instead of water to fill them up a bit. I can’t afford for food to be wasted then other food used up! Joys of little ones hey!
    You’re doing really well with the challenge 😀

    • We didn’t throw out what he didn’t eat-we ate it! He is only just 2 so not sure I can be quite that tough just yet.. 🙂

      • Ah see I can’t eat the kids left overs, it’s how I gained so much weight before 😦 I normally try and salvage what I can and put it in the fridge for the next day for someone but it’s normally all mushed.
        He’s still a baby bless him 🙂

      • We try and all eat at the same time, and hubby normally does most of the hoovering, but this week I have been a bit more hungry than normal, so may have helped..!

  7. Pingback: Thrifty Thursday | My Make Do and Mend Year

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